5 Digital Marketing Techniques for Small Business Growth

Digital marketing has emerged as a key instrument for small business growth as well as a means of competing with larger companies. Business consumers source products and services they need over the internet hence the need for companies to be online. Digital marketing presents ways of marketing for businesses that are affordable with the funds available for small-scale businesses, additionally, it unfolds ways of improving visibility and customer relations.

Through proper utilization of Social Media, SEO, and Email Marketing, small businesses can create enduring images for their brands and maintain customer relations. Below are five clear makings why small businesses cannot ignore digital marketing techniques in their growth strategies.

Top 5 Digital Marketing Techniques For Small Businesses

1. Cost-Effectiveness

cost effective

In general, digital marketing is relatively cheaper than the traditional methods of marketing which commonly involve issues like the printing of calendars, offering of T.V commercials, and putting up of billboards among others. Offline marketing expenses can be very expensive for small enterprises. On the other hand, digital marketing tactics present more cost-effective avenues, and, as a result, small businesses can channel their scarce resources effectively.

Low-cost digital marketing techniques are EMM, SEO, and Content Marketing. Businesses can publicly interact with customers for free through the business account on Facebook or Instagram, or the business page on Twitter, paid ads or paid promotions on these web pages are affordable and more efficiently targeted. When it comes to the efficiency of websites, SEO enhances the organic search without having to stake huge amounts, whereas, blogging and video postings as content marketing are cheap yet effective in attracting and maintaining customers.

It revealed that from the design of the latest digital marketing trends, the company (Infusionsoft) experienced the following improvements: its website traffic was 300% while lead generation was 25%. This latterly contributed to enhancing overall revenue by 25%, as well as enhancing ROI by 15%.

2. Enhanced Customer Targeting

Enhanced Customer Targeting

This is one of the benefits of the digital type of marketing, where a business organization can easily target the right customers. It refers to the use of information to select appropriate audiences in an attempt to appeal to the specific consumers in a population who may be interested in the offered product or service.

Digital tools and platforms in social media marketing present many options to provide such a precisely targeted approach. For instance, the two most popular social media sites Facebook, and Instagram enable an advertisement to filter its audience as per its choice by age, gender, income, location, and interests of the people. Google Ads allows one to reach customers by presenting an ad to anyone who is searching for commodities, goods, and services that correlate with the ad content. Moreover, by utilizing functions such as Google Analytics and CRM packages, the behavior and preferences of the consumers can also be monitored and analyzed, thus creating a sharpened focus and accurate targeting. This helps in increasing the impact of different online marketing techniques, thus ensuring that more people are reached and that the investment made in this marketing gets higher returns as compared to other forms of marketing.

Dollar Shave Club a small company advertised the product line using a funny Web video series in 2012 with a $4,500 budget. This was a humorous, informative video that conveyed their proposition quite simply – good razors at a low cost and shipped right to your house. The video went viral, accumulating millions of views, and helped Dollar Shave Club gain 48.6% of the online shaver market by 2015. Unilever later acquired the company for $1 billion.

3. Increased Customer Engagement

Increased Customer Engagement

Developing customer relationships and customer loyalty is essential in building a strong brand for the company. Interacting with customers in real-time enables the enterprise or business to respond to inquiries, and feedback and to assist clients in real time and this improves the experience and satisfaction of the customer.

Customer engagement capabilities such as social marketing, blogging, and email advertisements are central strategies. Unlike conventional media, social networks such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter make it easier to engage customers in real-time; hence creating a sense of community and constant engagement with the products. Blogs offer useful information to the readers, and people receive options to share their opinions on the information disclosed, while email marketing helps to inform customers about novelties, promotions, and special offers.

Engaging content, in simple terms, calls for the proper recognition of the audience’s needs and wants. Advice on how to get a response includes making it appealing to the eyes, relating stories that are familiar to most people, providing questions that the readers can reply to, and creating content that allows the readers to contribute. It also keeps the audience attentive towards your business and makes them have an interest in the business.

Duolingo is an application through which people learn more about languages in a fun, innovative, and creative manner. Features like Duolingo Stories have increased the engagement of the learners by 30% more than the initial engagement levels. Duolingo Stories are small stories that can be read or listened to in the target foreign language by its users.

4. Measurable Results and Analytics

Measurable Results and Analytics

Proof and statistics are the key to success in measuring the effectiveness of marketing through digital technologies. Many analytical tools available including Google Analytics, Facebook insights, and even the platforms that one uses to send out emails offer different insights into different facets of marketing. The latter assists in tracking important yardsticks, such as website visits, conversion rates, click-through rates (CTR), and customer acquisition costs, which are vital in SMEs.

These findings indicate that through the use of Key Performance Indicators, improving organizational performance, and analyzing the success of the implemented strategies is made possible. For instance, a company can track the number of visits to its website, interpersonal communication, and, sales lead in its marketing efforts. These digital marketing tips for small business make businesses realize their strengths and weaknesses, or in other words, which techniques or approaches are effective, and which ones are not, allowing for adaptation of the strategy.

For instance, a small boutique saw that their audience was not as active as in previous weeks on their blog posts. After studying their analytics data, they found out that they received a lot of engagement on posts that had something to do with Showit website design. With Showit’s flexible website creation platform, small businesses can easily design and customize their websites. The boutique incorporated more information regarding those fields of interest, thus experiencing over time a larger flow of traffic.

5. Accessibility and Reach

Accessibility and Reach

Digital marketing means that firms can target customers of any location in the worldwide market hence it does not restrict within the business’s geographical location. Especially due to the growth of the use of iPhones and other portable devices, mobile marketing has become an important factor, bringing the focus to the question of usable content on the internet.

One of the best examples of social media’s ability to help a business grow and appeal to customers is an example of a small firm selling handmade jewelry; it aimed at an international market and used social networks along with a search engine-optimized accessible website. The business plan aimed at the customers within the region; however, due to the promotional videos with beautiful and diverse models, the business experienced a rise in international sales. In this way, customer attraction in various countries through the consideration of easy access and mobile-first implementation proves that visibility and growth are possible in an unexpected fashion with the right digital marketing tactics.


Digital marketing has served as an opportunity for several people who now have access to the internet across the globe and use mobile devices when accessing content. One aspect that organizations must consider introducing to their operations is digital marketing as a primary means of communicating with the numerous potential clients out there. It is encouraging to learn about digital marketing ideas for small business performing an extension of its services at international levels, proving the importance of proper use of advanced tools. To engage with a wider audience, begin by evaluating the accessibility of your digital channels and putting targeted initiatives into action.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can digital marketing replace traditional marketing?

It has become a game changer and cannot be overemphasized when it comes to contemporary advertising yet conventional marketing techniques are unlikely to be replaced by digital marketing fully.

2. What are the most effective digital marketing techniques for small businesses?

List of several requirements that any business organization is supposed to meet in their promotion strategy. These strategic models that must be incorporated into these plans include affiliate marketing, social media marketing, e-mail marketing, and search engine optimization.

3. How can I measure the success of my digital marketing efforts?

To measure the returns of your campaigns, to digital marketing you should employ volume measures of activity, or some Key Performance Indicators such as; Conversion rates, traffic, and interaction to your website. Other intelligence tools such as Google Analytics can be used to capture other data on user behaviors or outcomes of particular campaigns.

4. Is social media marketing suitable for all types of small businesses?

Yes, one possible idea within the context of small businesses is to consider the use of social marketing as a way of connecting with clients.

5. How much should a small business spend on digital marketing?

B2B Anonymous is usually advisable to commit a marketing budget to range between 2 to 5% of their sales. It usually amounts to 5-10% for B2C.

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